
DE MOTIVERTE – The Motivated ones

«The Motivated ones» are musicians who like many genres, such as rock, country, jazz, funk, pop, blues, acid and heavy. When we play together, it is to bring forth Nicolay Leganger’s lyrics and melodies.

Especially the relentless critical and ironic songs, where he harasses himself, most others, and matters of the society.

Nicolay Legangers music sounds completely different on his albums compered to when we play it. You can check out at this video on Youtube  and compare it to the same song on Spotify.

Foto: Last ned Plakat for Nicolay Leganger og deMotiverte
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On the pctre you se us on a recording of «Gi meg mer» (Give me more), a dystopisk song about a man eating his future.

From left you see Jan Øystein Dyblie (el gitar), Stian Jacobsen (drums), Nicolay Leganger (gitar og vocals), Johan Bruland (bass) ad our guest-chorist Sunniva Steinsund Skeidsvoll.

Stian og Johan plays in several bands.  Johan works with IT besides music, Stian does music production, Jan Øystein is a handy-man with a lot of competence, and Nicolay is talking to people as a coach og motivational speaker..  

Fantastic band. Co-played and varied in expression. Get the audience with them and deliver the goods as expected. The guitarist plays with amazing empathy, drums and bass are tight, and Leganger is the showman who binds it all together. Must be experienced.

Vidar Halsøy

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Odd nordeide:

Going to a concert with Nicolay Leganger and the Motivated’s is an experience. They are all talented musicians, but they also have this little extra that elevates the concert experience to new heights.

Merete F. Fyksen:

This was a fireworks display of a concert. The very special thing about this concert experience was the unique connection that arose between the musicians and the audience.

Svein Johan Lindstad

Nicolay Leganger writes text and music himself. The texts are in Norwegian, wich is a big plus. He performs those with great energy and empathy. Have good contact with the public.

Dag Fransson

Nicolay Leganger is an outstanding composer and lyricist. In addition, he has charisma. The Motivated’s follow-ups and have the ability to adapt the concert to his communication with the public. He makes warm and deep impressions.


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deMotiverte spiller på PlenAir festivalen på Herdla. Fv. Jan Øystein Dyblie (gitar), Nicolay Leganger (vokal/gitar), Joan Bruland (bass). Bak Nicolay sitter Stian Jacobsen (trommer)
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